Widely internationalized, Ecole polytechnique combines research, teaching and innovation at the highest scientific and technological level. Its training promotes a culture of excellence with a string dominance in science, open to a great humanist tradition. Ecole polytechnique trains decision-makers with a strong multidisciplinary scientific culture by exposing them to both research and business.
The Chair “Stress Testing” is a specific research program, hosted by the Center of Applied Mathematics between Ecole Polytechnique, BNP Paribas, Fondation de l'Ecole Polytechnique
This research project is part of an in-depth reflection on the increasingly sophisticated issues surrounding stress tests (under the impulse of the upcoming European Banking regulation). Simulation of extreme adverse scenarios is an important topic to better understand which critical configurations can lead to financial and systemic crises. These scenarios may depend on complex phenomena, for which we partially lack information, making the modeling incomplete and uncertain. Last, the data are multivariate and reflects the dependency between driving variables. The sources of risk are multiple: market, credit, operational, climate, cyber, etc
The Banque de France is the Central Bank of France. Its three main tasks are monetary strategy, financial stability and services to the economy. It contributes to defining the monetary policy of the euro zone and implements it in France; it supervises banks and insurance companies and ensures risk control. It has 95 departmental branches and 74 reception offices.
The French Banking Federation (FBF) is the professional organisation representing all banks established in France. It has 337 member banks, including 115 foreign banks.
It is the voice of the profession on all major issues, particularly regulatory. Its mission is to promote banking and financial activity in France, Europe and internationally. It defines the positions and proposals of the banking industry with respect to public authorities and economic and financial authorities.
It represents the banking profession to the media, political and institutional circles, consumers, professional associations, academics and think tanks.