
Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, climate change progressively became a strategic issue for financial institutions, supervisors, and regulators. Compared with traditional academic problems in finance, factoring in climate change comes with addressing specific features that do not easily fit with usual quantitative approaches and necessitate new developments: long time horizons, unprecedented events, systemic patterns, chaotic dynamics, uncertainty, irreversibility, endogeneity, policy jumps, just to name a few. Such a conundrum provides the research community with a new impetus to foster transdisciplinary collaborations, through the various expertise and approaches coming from finance, economics, mathematics, numerical and climate sciences. 

Committed to this endeavor, the Chair Stress Test, Risk management and Financial Steering, hosted by Ecole polytechnique convenes its second international workshop on climate finance, risk and uncertainty modelling this autumn.

A Fall School will be held over 2 half days on the resolution and interpretation of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). A first 3-hour lecture, given by Cécine Guivarch (IPCC, CIRED), will explain the use of IAMs for policy purposes. A second 3-hour lecture, given by Frank Venmans (LSE), will concern the resolution and simulations of IAMs with uncertainty.

For 3 days, the broad climate & finance research community will gather in Paris, to share progress related to the new questions posed by both practitioners and regulators, such as climate-related financial risk modelling, climate stress testing, or asset valuation.

Call for paper for PhD students and junior academics! 
We are pleased to organize a session for junior academics (economists and mathematician) to showcase their research and engage in discussions with established professionals in the field.
Deadline: 15th June. Submission link. (closed)

Registration open up to September 28th.

Where & When

2023, October 9 - 10 : Banque de France (BdF)

31 rue Croix des Petits Champs, 75001 Paris

2023, October 11 : Fédération Bancaire Française (FBF)

18 rue La Fayette 75009 Paris


2023, September 28th

Contributed Presentation
2023, June 15th

Registration is free but mandatory

Invited Speakers

Fall School

Céline Guivarch FrankVenmans
Guivarch Céline Frank Venmans
CIRED London School of


Keynote Speakers

Stephie Fried Simon Dietz
Stephie Fried Simon Dietz
San Francisco
London School of


Invited Speakers

FlorianBourgey Diluisio Margherita Giuzio Lavecchia Luciano filipponatoli
Bourgey Florian Diluiso Francesca Giuzio Margherita Lavecchia Luciano Natoli Filippo
Bloomberg Bank of England European Central
Bank of Italy Bank of Italy
Olovsson Conny EviPappa MilesParker Frank Smets Scheidegger Simon
Olovsson Conny Pappa Evi Parker Miles Smets Frank Scheidegger Simon
European Central
Universidad Carlos III European Central
European Central
HEC Lausanne


Organizing Committee

Emmanuel Gobet Marine Saux Gauthier Vermandel
Emmanuel Gobet Marine Saux Gauthier Vermandel
Ecole polytechnique Ecole polytechnique Ecole polytechnique

Scientific Committee

  • Stéphane Dées
  • Emmanuel Gobet
  • Jean-Guillaume Sahuc
  • Gauthier Vermandel
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